Impact of Bullying & Incivility on Nursing Profession & Environment:

Increased absenteeism
Increased professional dissatisfaction
Increase staff turnover
Environmental apathy
Increased patient care errors
Increase medication errors & delivery
Underming patient trust in the healthcare team
Negative impact on patient satisfaction

Assess your workplace environment:

1. My achievements and contributions were ignored   Yes   No
2. My abilities were questioned   Yes   No
3. I was denied development opportunities   Yes   No
4. I was ignored      Yes   No
5. I was watched and followed     Yes   No
6. My work was excessively scrutinized       Yes   No
7. My work was organized to isolate me       Yes   No
8. I was threatened       Yes   No
9. I feel comfortable speaking with my manager about my feelings  Yes  No
10.My work life was made difficult   
Yes   No